Saturday, November 3, 2007

China is Reducing Costs Too!

You may think that China is mainly a source of cheap labor. While it is true that China DOES have cheap labor, it is also true that China is changing the way business is done... particularly with respect to introducing cost innovations that extend far beyond cheap labor, driving down costs for the mass market together with excellent execution with the "three faces" of cost innovation (offering high technology at low cost, a near-impossible range of choice, and "speciality products" at volume prices).

A new book, Dragons at Your Door: How Chinese Cost Innovation Is Disrupting Global Competition, by Ming Zeng and Peter Williamson, makes the case that perhaps the largest 200 Chinese corporations are doing something far more important than merely offering cheap labor. They are introducing cost innovations that could truly change the way business is done everywhere!

You might want to have a look... to fully understand global competitive forces in the 21st Century.

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