Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Google University?

I've always wondered why universities have such antiquated computer systems...

Of course, in the old days, to have anything at all meant that you had to "create it yourself". The web has dramatically changed things, and I'm always surprised that the computer systems I use at universities are so far behind the times. That makes them almost unusable.

Of course, I do understand that some IT folks want to create "empires" for job security. But still...

This morning I heard about Google University... well, not EXACTLY "Google University" but Google services FOR universities!

Northwestern University, a powerhouse institution in the Chicago area, has partnered with Google., powered by Google Apps for Education, will provide advanced and easy-to-use tools such as searchable, two gigabyte e-mail services, a large integrated address book space, robust security features, integrated calendaring, instant messaging, online document collaboration, and online support.

The idea for the service began when students from the Associated Student Government (ASG) and the Graduate Student Association (GSA) requested such a partnership during a collaborative meeting with Northwestern University Information Technology (NUIT). NUIT announced that Google Apps for Education will soon available to students through "".

I personally have fallen in love with another Google product called Google Docs & Spreadsheets... as a matter of fact, that's exactly how I create all my blog posts, including this one.

Outsourced web services for major enterprises... what an idea!

Can other schools be far behind?

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